Neurosurgeons Find Glioma Markers in DNA


Glioma is a tumor that affects the glial cells in the brain. It is the most common brain tumor. The fourth degree of malignancy is practically untreatable. Therefore, early diagnosis of this disease is extremely important. Currently, MRI and biopsy remain the main methods of diagnosis. However, these methods are inaccurate, and besides, a biopsy poses a certain risk for the patient. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new diagnostic methods that will help detect this dangerous disease. RUDN neurosurgeons have collected the latest research looking for markers of glioma in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid.

“Gliomas are malignant tumors of the central nervous system. The annual incidence of gliomas worldwide is approximately six cases per 100,000 people. The importance of their early diagnosis is obvious – diagnosis before the onset of symptoms increases the chances of successful treatment of the patient. Recently, new methods for diagnosing gliomas have been proposed not only with the help of imaging and biopsy, but also by analyzing biological fluids, mainly blood and cerebrospinal fluid,” said Albert Sufianov MD, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Neurosurger, RUDN University.


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