AANS Bylaws Report


At the AANS Annual Business Meeting held on May 2, 2016, in Chicago, seven proposed Bylaws Amendments were presented to the Voting Membership. On June 15, Voting Members of AANS were sent ballots and asked to vote on the approval of each Amendment. We are pleased to report that all Amendment issues were approved with between 83 percent and 99 percent of members voting in favor of each issue. The approved Amendments will assure that in the event an Executive Committee Officer is unable to complete her/his term, the transition of replacements is the most beneficial and least disruptive to the operations of the AANS leadership as possible, will clarify the Student Medical membership category to provide membership to DO medical students and will revise the Provisional membership category to include Provisional Affiliate members.

Click here to find the complete, newly revised AANS Bylaws on AANS.org.

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