Scratch-and-Sniff Test Could Predict Parkinson’s Even Earlier


A new study provides further evidence that a simple scratch-and-sniff test could predict Parkinson’s disease even earlier than previously thought.

According to Michigan State University researcher Honglei Chen, lead author and professor of epidemiology, the test could identify certain people who are at an increased risk of developing the disease up to 10 years before they are actually diagnosed. Previous research has shown an association between sense of smell and disease progression of up to four to five years.


The federally funded study is also one of the first to follow black people.

“One of the key differences in our study was we followed older white and black participants for an average of about 10 years, much longer than any other previous study,” Chen said. “We found that there was a strong link between smell and disease risk for up to six years. After that, the link remained, but just wasn’t as strong.”

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