Monkeys and Humans See Visual Illusions in Similar Way, Study Finds


Building on the close similarities between primates and humans, new research reveals that monkeys perceive visual illusions in a very similar manner to humans on a neurological level. Researchers from Georgia State University reported in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition that a computer-based experiment using both trained monkeys and human volunteers revealed that monkeys were able to struggle with the same visual illusions as their human counterparts. “These results, along with others, show that humans and monkeys share similarities in their perceptual systems,” said the lead researcher. “They perceive and misperceive some types of physical stimuli in similar ways. Although these results do not mean that primates and nonhuman primates see their worlds identically, they do show that monkeys are an appropriate model for studying human perception and that contextual cues affect perception in ways that are shared across species.” To learn more about this study, click here.

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