International Study Finds Effective, Less Toxic Way to Treat Brain Tumors


Physicians from Carolinas HealthCare System’s Neurosciences Institute and Levine Cancer Institute are among the authors of ta study that was accepted for publication by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The study, release July 26, 2016, shows that patients with the most common form of brain tumor can be treated in an effective and substantially less toxic way by omitting a widely used portion of radiation therapy. These results will allow tens of thousands of patients with brain tumors to experience a better quality of life while maintaining the same length of life. Anthony L. Asher, MD, medical director at Carolinas HealthCare System’s Neurosciences Institute and the senior author on the report, as well as Stuart H. Burri, MD, chairman, department of radiation oncology at Levine Cancer Institute, began their research on this subject over 10 years ago in Charlotte, N.C. Along with Dr. Paul Brown at Mayo Clinic, they spearheaded an international, multi-institutional, randomized trial that will ultimately improve the standard of care for patients with a specific type of brain tumor, brain metastases, by reducing the toxicity of their treatment without reducing the effectiveness. To read more, click here.

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