Which Brain Hemorrhage Patients Have Treatable Underlying Conditions


When blood vessels in the brain rupture, or hemorrhage, and cause a stroke, large areas of the brain can be permanently damaged. Depending on the cause, some brain hemorrhages may hide underlying lesions that can be treated with surgery, embolization, radiation, or other treatments. Using MRI scans of patients diagnosed with intracerebral hemorrhage, clinical researchers at Jefferson have teased apart the groups most likely to have a treatable underlying condition. 

The findings will help physicians determine which patients to send for immediate MRI and surgical treatment, and which should be treated with supportive care.

“Intracerebral hemorrhage can be highly disabling and every attempt should be made to treat underlying lesions to prevent rebleeding” says neurosurgeon and senior author Pascal Jabbour, MD Professor of Neurological Surgery and the Chief of the Division of Neurovascular and Endovascular Neurosurgery at the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University. “This study helps identify patients who have brain hemorrhages that are suspicious for underlying lesions and who should absolutely receive an MRI.”

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