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AANS Neurosurgeon

AANS Neurosurgeon
I’m old school R&B, but Drake has a point when he complains about fake people. Click Like or thumbs up and OMG if it’s really lit, hit the Heart or as @champagnepapi raps “fake love” it. It is more efficient to pop up an emoji than to use words. Posting without several emojis risks a low view count, but...
Robert Pearl, MD, Public Affairs. Philadelphia. 2017. Dr. Robert Pearl, a plastic surgeon and former CEO of Kaiser Permanente, believes that American medicine fails as a system and needs to be transformed. His book, Mistreated: Why We Think We’re Getting Good Health Care – and Why We’re Usually Wrong, uses stories to illustrate and make suggestions about how to change...
Birds do it, bees do it, even editors of JNS do it! Neurosurgeons are increasingly turning to social media to connect with patients, increase exposure of their practices, share innovation, promote causes and stay abreast of critical information.  Early adopters have shared their experiences as more and more of our specialty engages in the wide spectrum of social media...
Social media’s rise is touching every aspect of life, including neurosurgery. Feeling siloed inside your home institution’s neurosurgery department? Are you lost in the ocean of prominent neurosurgeons at annual meetings? Active engagement in social media may be key to expanding your horizon and fostering online relationships that continue face-to-face at regional and national meetings. Most medical students have an...
The average starting medical student was born in 1993, therefore few of us are pre-internet, and a growing number of us do not remember the internet before MySpace or Facebook. We came of age chatting on instant messengers, constructing online profiles to appeal to our friends and posting content with little idea of the web’s permanence. As we progressed...
Not an hour goes by when social media isn’t in the news, delivering the news or creating the news. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and myriad other social platforms are unavoidable and have changed the way we understand the world. Increasingly, physicians and executives are wondering to what extent they should be part of mainstream social media. Should they be posting,...
History, politics and economics often have significant impact on science and medicine, and thus on the evolution of neurosurgery. For Germany, this included the broad influences impacting all of Europe in the early stages and then a unique impact of World Wars I and II as well as the Cold War. Since unification, neurosurgery in Germany has grown significantly...