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Martina Stippler, MD, FAANS

Martina Stippler, MD, FAANS
Dr. Stippler is a neurosurgeon and the director of neurotrauma at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) in Boston.
Editor’s Note: One obvious way to think about the world of neurosurgery is that it is the culmination of all the care delivered across the subspecialties. Just a few decades ago, subspecialization (and the whole world of CAST, enfolded fellowships, post-residency fellowships, etc.) was the exception, limited to just a small number of academics. Today it plays a much larger role across the neurosurgical spectrum. In a series of pieces,...
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is often called the epidemic of the West. The socio-economic impact and ubiquity is often recounted in the introduction in scientific articles to emphasize the relevance of the work presented.  To make the magnitude of TBI more comprehensible, in the U.S., one person incurs a TBI every 21 seconds, and every five minutes, one...