Mayo Clinic Study Shows Increase in Parkinson’s Disease Over 30 Years


According to this study, the incidence of males developing a form of parkinsonism increased significantly in the 30 years between 1976 and 2005. This was especially true for men who are 70-years-old or older. Men of all ages had a 17 percent higher chance of developing parkinsonism and a 24 percent higher chance of developing Parkinson’s disease for every 10 calendar years. “We have reasons to believe that this is a real trend,” says Rodolfo Savica, MD, PhD, lead author and neurologist at Mayo Clinic. “The trend is probably not caused merely by changes in people’s awareness or changes in medical practice over time. We have evidence to suggest that there has been a genuine increase in the risk of Parkinson’s disease.” To read more, click here.

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