Age Diminishes Spinal Cord Regeneration After Injury


Mouse study may inform new strategies to treat spinal cord injury in older adults 

Due to the increase of activity in older adults, more and more are suffering from spinal cord injuries. Based on this, there has been a rise in the average age of these types of injuries. This increase in average age justifies further study on how again impacts the recovery process of these patients as well as repair after injury. In a study by the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and University of British Columbia, researchers have determined that age diminishes the ability to regenerate axons. These axons serve as the communication wires from that brain to the spinal cord. “This is the first report focusing on the impact age has on axonal regeneration in the central nervous system,” said senior author Binhai Zheng, PhD, associate professor of neurosciences at UC San Diego School of Medicine. “Since many central nervous system diseases and disorders are age-related and are increasingly occurring in older populations, our study will likely have wide implications for both basic research and translational efforts on central nervous system dysfunction and restoration.” To read more, click here

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