New Year, New Growth: AANS Interim CEO Explains it All


2024 has seen many big changes for the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) already, with more on the way. During this time of transition and new growth, AANS Neurosurgeon Editor Dr. Aruna Ganju sat down with AANS Interim CEO Dr. Ann Stroink to discuss why these changes are happening and what membership has to look forward to later this year and beyond.

Aruna Ganju: There have been big changes for the AANS in 2024 already with your stepping in as the interim CEO and the announcement of Katie Orrico as the next CEO later this year. What prompted this exciting new direction and what does it mean for the members of the AANS? 

Ann Stroink: What prompted this new direction was the strategic plan that we have developed; wehave been working on the granularities over the past few months.  In order to achieve this, the right leadership was needed to take the bold steps of meaningful transition. I have been serving as the Executive Vice President and now interim CEO on a number of initiatives that will markedly enhance our relationships and engagements with our global partners.  This will definitely broaden our membership base and create a rich and diverse organization.  We have also recognized the needs of our early and mid-career neurosurgeons and have focused on membership benefits and education to bolster their careers as they grow with the AANS. 

Last month Katie Orrico agreed to become our next CEO.  She is an excellent choice and will be able to achieve and expand our strategic initiatives. Also, her background and ability to work with outside organizations will significantly help neurosurgery. 

AG: Has the direction of the AANS changed with this new leadership? What changes can members look forward to? What is in store for the future of the association? 

AS: Our direction is now in sync with our strategic plan. Achieving this required a comprehensive restructuring of our staff, implementing a top-down approach to drive essential improvements in our technology, communication, education, and marketing efforts across the AANS enterprise which encompasses the NeuroPoint Alliance (NPA), the Neurosurgery Research and Education Foundation (NREF), and the Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG.). 

Through effective communication and marketing initiatives, members of our organization will gain a deeper insight into how NPA data assessment conveys the message of “true quality” based on patient outcome data related to the services we provide our patients. This understanding will not only benefit our members but will also gradually extend to hospitals, hospital systems, the health insurance industry, and government entities over time. 

By establishing benchmarks rooted in patient outcomes, we will provide healthcare policy decision makers with the necessary tools to make informed choices and ensure resources are available for meaningful care delivery. Ultimately, patients will also benefit from being able to make informed decisions about the care they receive. 

AG: What can members do to become more involved and advance the AANS mission going forward? 

AS: There are numerous ways for our members to become more involved and drive the AANS mission. Attendance at our annual scientific meeting where members can learn the newest innovations in technology and treatment plans to deliver improved neurosurgical care.  This is an opportunity for the attendees to understand the national data outcomes that are periodically reported through abstracts and presentations in the plenary, section meetings and topic-specific sessions. The annual meeting allows for reengagement with colleagues and friends allowing for connection on a more personal level. 

Members could consider working on a committee or an Advisory Work Group which serves a committee.  Inforamtion can be found on the AANS website The AANS Volunteer Corps offers opportunities for involvement in a variety of initiatives from the AANS and related organizations. In addition to contributing to meaningful projects, volunteers get to work with AANS committees and staff and are publicly recognized for their contributions. 

There are opportunities to work with your local hospitals to drive involvement within the NPA.  Members can learn more about it at, which provides additional information in terms of how NPA functions and how to get involved. 

Giving back is an important aspect of being a neurosurgeon.  The NREF offers opportunities to give and to get involved.  Currently, every NREF dollar donated means 36 NIH dollars in the investment of an early career neurosurgeon.   

If you have the interest and the skill set to deliver impactful peer reviews, consider offering your services to the Journal of Neurosurgery (JNS). 

AG: Being a member of the AANS is an investment we renew every year. Can you tell us what those funds are utilized for and how they benefit the members and the AANS mission overall? 

AS: Being a member is an investment in your career. You are: 

Supporting the AANS mission by advancing the specialty of neurological surgery to promote the highest quality of patient care through education, research, and advocacy.  

Enhancing educational resources, as a significant portion of membership funds is allocated toward developing and enhancing educational programs. This includes organizing conferences, meetings, workshops, webinars, and other educational events aimed at providing members with the latest advancements, techniques, best practices in neurological surgery and CME credits. 

Driving advocacy efforts, which includes lobbying for policies that promote patient access to quality care, fair reimbursement rates, and initiatives to advance the field of neurological surgery. 

Sustaining research initiatives by allocating funding toward research initiatives within the AANS, supporting groundbreaking research projects aimed at advancing the understanding and treatment of neurological disorders. 

Providing essential services and support to our membership, including access to online resources, publications, networking opportunities, and assistance with professional development. 

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