Boldly Into the Future


Birds do it, bees do it, even editors of JNS do it! Neurosurgeons are increasingly turning to social media to connect with patients, increase exposure of their practices, share innovation, promote causes and stay abreast of critical information.  Early adopters have shared their experiences as more and more of our specialty engages in the wide spectrum of social media platforms.

Read more
Why I use Social Media in Neurosurgery
Why I am Not on Social Media
Snapping into Social Media

While there is incredible value in these endeavors, experienced users detail warnings about the real hazards of each. 

Whether you are just entering residency, joining a new practice or embarking on your post-clinical career, there is useful information in this evolving technology.

This topic is also perfectly suited for the initial launch of a contemporary version of the AANS Neurosurgeon, which seeks to optimize the unique power of electronic media to bring critical information to all neurosurgeons on a timely basis. The updates and modifications evolved through a strategic planning effort, a vital process for ensuring optimal function and outcomes of any organization. Over the last months, the AANS engaged in thorough and thoughtful Strategic Planning with a directive for committees to align with the derived objectives. Clearly, the AANS Neurosurgeon work falls under Goal #1 of the strategic plan, to maximize member engagement.

Over the coming months, the publication will evolve its look, content and smartphone synergy. The goal is to provide incredible value for time, an ever more crucial concept as the demands on our time continue to increase. In keeping with today’s world of constant rating, critique and dissemination, we welcome your feedback, engagement and ideas. If there is something you want to hear about, we need to know! As we roll out some of the new features, there will also be increased opportunity for dialogue and exchange of ideas. Your contributions are welcome and encouraged.

Contact AANS Neurosurgeon

Neurosurgery has thrived through innovation and collaboration, concepts that the world of social media now allows to happen in real time. This can only benefit us in career satisfaction, quality outcomes and patient satisfaction. 


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