UCI Study Finds Safer Stem Cell-derived Therapy for Brain Radiation Recovery


Microvesicle injections restored cognition without adverse side effects

While stem cells have shown promise for treating brain regions that have been damaged by cancer radiation treatments, a new study shows there may similar benefits seen when using mricroscopic vesicles without some of the risks that are usually associated with stem cells. Two common risks associated with stem cells include immunorejection and tumor growth. Microvesicles are small, fluid-filled sacs secreted by all cells within the human body. Within their plasma is a range of cargo, including RNAs and proteins, that can benefit cellular biology. Within the brain, microvesicles help regulate the health and functionality of neurons and also play an important role in tissue regeneration. “The appeal of strategies using microvesicles instead of stem cells is that they eliminate any concerns for teratoma formation and substantially minimize side effects associated with immunorejection,” Limoli said. To read more, click here

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