Pre- and Post-testing Show Reversal of Memory Loss From Alzheimer’s Disease in Ten Patients


Small trial from the Buck Institute and UCLA succeeds using systems approach to memory disorders

This study uses a complex, 36-point therapeutic personalized program for each patient. Comprehensive changes occur in his or her diet, brain stimulation, exercise, optimization of sleep, specific pharmaceuticals and vitamins that all affect the brain. “all of these patients had either well-defined mild cognitive impairment (MCI), subjective cognitive impairment (SCI) or had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) before beginning the program,” said author Dale Bredesen, MD, a professor at the Buck Institute and professor at the Easton Laboratories for Neurodegenerative Disease Research at UCLA, who noted that patients who had had to discontinue work were able to return to work and those struggling at their jobs were able to improve their performance. “Follow-up testing showed some of the patients going from abnormal to normal.” To read more, click here.

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