Largest Spine Registry in North America Rebrands: Meet QOD


National Neurosurgery Quality & Outcomes Database updates to Quality Outcomes Database


In order to better serve the general registry population, the National Neurosurgery Quality Outcomes Database (N2QOD) has been renamed the Quality Outcomes Database (QOD).

The registry, which operates as one of the quality improvement programs managed by NeuroPoint Alliance (NPA), began enrolling patients four years ago this month. In that time, N2QOD has grown beyond its neurosurgical origins and the boundaries set by the registry’s name.

“NPA is looking at many partnerships and registries that will accrue data beyond the sphere of neurosurgery, and we wanted the brand to focus on what we do – collect quality data – rather than who we originally started collecting it for,” commented Robert Harbaugh, MD, FAANS, and NeuroPoint Alliance chair.

The current spine registry has many participating orthopaedic surgeons and is likely to further expand into multispecialty areas. Removing “neurosurgery” from the name resonates not only with other specialties, but other stakeholders such as third party payers.

“What started on Feb. 22, 2012, with only three neurosurgical centers, has grown to be the largest spine registry in North America. To date, nearly 30,000 patients have been enrolled from 78 different centers into our four different modules: lumbar, cervical spine, cerebrovascular and spinal deformity. This year we are seeing the benefits of data aggregation, as a Predictive Spine Calculator, based on outcomes for lumbar surgery for degenerative disease, will be made available to all participating registry centers,” shared Harbaugh.

“By analyzing the combined contribution of patient-specific variables to specific outcomes, we hope to facilitate shared medical decision making, practice-based learning, focused quality improvement and more effective resources,” said Anthony L. Asher, MD, FAANS, vice president of NPA and director of QOD.

About NPA
The NeuroPoint Alliance (NPA) was established in 2008 by the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) to collect, analyze and report on nationwide clinical data from neurosurgical practices using online technologies. It is designed to meet the quality care and research needs of individual neurosurgeons and neurosurgical practices, national organizations, health care plans, biomedical industry and government agencies. To learn more, visit

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