Immune Cells Help the Brain to Self-heal After a Stroke


After a stroke, most patients recover over time; at least partly. The ability to improve is well known; however, how this happens is more of a mystery. After a stroke, the brain experiences inflammation where the damage occurred. Based on a recent study by Zaal Kokaia, professor from Lund University in Sweden, along with Professor Olle Lindvall, and collaboration with colleagues at the Weizmann Institute in Israel, the swelling that occurs in the brain following a stroke may have some positive side effects. The swelling in the brain is caused by the nerve cells that have died due to the stroke. When this happens, cells from the immune system are attracted to the location. Among these cells are monocytes – these are a type of white blood cell that are produced in bone marrow. Once they reach the damaged area, they develop into macrophages that clear out all of the dead tissue. More importantly, they also secrete substances that help the brain repair the damage. To read more on this study, click here

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